Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Week's events

Last Thursday was a good day. I had to go to downtown LA to do a hearing at the Labor Commissioner's office. While I was there I decided to stop by Disney Hall to use the gift certificate we received from Ros and Dorothy. I totally lucked out and managed to get tickets to the Dudamel concert which had just been added to the season! Then the hearing went well and we got a good settlement for our client. Sunday John ran the Surf City half-marathon in two hours which made him really happy. Sunday night we met Ros and Dorothy at Don the Beachcombers in Sunset Beach and had a wonderful dinner. The waitress even put a candle in my dessert to celebrate my birthday which was on Monday. And then on Tuesday was Martin's 21st birthday! This is definitely our family's birthday week.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Susan's visit

Susan Oakley, a dear friend who now lives in Little Rock, Arkansas, returned to California for a visit. We had lunch yesterday with Judy Robertson. We met at our favorite restaurant, Utopia, in downtown Long Beach. (We greatly missed the fourth member of our group, Judee Ramirez, who was still recovering from an illness.) Susan then spent the night at 5170 and we enjoyed a taco dinner with my husband, John, who lovingly prepared the dinner so that I could continue the non-stop conversation with Susan. What a great guy! Judy R. also was able to join us for the tacos. This morning Susan and I were able to visit a couple hours more before she had to be on her way.